One simple idea to make sure your lawncare customers hire you back next sping.

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Free Tips and Fun Innovations on running your own Lawn Care / Landscaping Business.

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This week's tip highlights how simple and inexpensive actions can help you maintain and increase your customer list for years to come.

"Mommy, are those same Lawn Care people going to cut our grass again this year???"
That is what one of our lawn customers told us their 5 year old daughter asked one March when the grass was beginning to grow.  The customer told me that they had planned to do their own lawn care work that year until their daughter asked that question.
Sometimes, it really is the small things which will keep your lawn care customers coming back year after year.
This week's tip deals with a couple of very simple ideas to make sure your customers remember you during the winter so they will call you back when spring rolls around.  I will also show you what led to the girl's question and why we were able to keep that customer after they had already planned to cut their own grass.
As we move through October, November begins it's run and leaves become more of a chore.  Anyone who has been in the Lawn Care Business for any amount of time knows how hard leaves are to work with.  Leaf raking is a time consuming and strenuous activity.  In the Lawn Care Business program we spend quite a bit of time discussing how to price leaf raking jobs.
I am a big believer in doing small things to keep your business name in the minds of your customers. 
Several years ago, I came across leaf bags that where in the designs of ghosts, pumpkins, witches, and turkeys.  They were small and at 50 cents per bag they were fairly expensive.  I decided to use them as a marketing tool.
With lawn care customers that had children (and even those that were just young at heart), I filled a few decorator bags with leaves and placed them on the customer's porch.  I received many comments from customers.  They liked the personalized and humorous touch.
Getting back to the question asked by the customer's daughter.  For that particular house, I had used pumpkin shaped bags.  The family incorporated those bags into their Thanksgiving display in their front yard.  After it was time to take down the display, the daughter would not let them throw out the pumpkin bags filled with leaves.
When springtime rolled around, she made sure that her parents hired me again to do all of their lawn care work for the upcoming year.
I only spent $1.00 on the two bags that I left on that customer's porch.  That was a well spent dollar.  It assured me of that customer for years to come.

As a business owner, I recommend that you always look for new and creative ideas to keep your business name in the minds of your lawn care business customers.  You never know how meaningful a small action will be to them.  Something as simple as a 50 cent leaf bag might be the deciding factor of a customer calling you back in the Springtime.

The Lawn Care Business program show you dozens of methods of getting maximum profit from each customer.  We also give you a tremendous amount of resources for bidding and estimating Lawn Care and Landscaping jobs.

This is just one of hundreds of tips found in the
pages of the Lawn Care Business training program
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Link for Summer101 Lawn Care Business program.