Leaf raking can be a very profitable job for a lawn care business.
However, be aware of some common traps in raking a customer's lawn.


Free Tips and Fun Innovations on running your own Lawn Care / Landscaping Business.
By: www.Summer101.com

This week's tip: 
As Autumn draws on and the green leaves of summer turn to the golden colors of fall, this is an exciting time for anyone in a lawn care business.
Leaf raking is a big profit point in the lawn care industry.  Damp leaves left clumped on a lawn can damage grass.  They clog gutters and down spouts.  They also make flower and shrub beds look untidy.
With all the potential problems that leaves contribute to, homeowners will soon be calling you for leaf management advice.
We are often asked by lawn care companies: "How do you estimate leaf raking for a new client."  We tackle the estimating process in our business course.  But in this week's tip I want to caution you about taking on new customers at this time of year.
This is a true story that happened to me in my first year of owning a lawn care company.  A new customer called to get an estimate for raking the yard and cleaning out gutters.  He had several large trees in his yard.  Although his yard was covered with leaves more than half of the leaves were still on his trees.  Since he had a mulching area to keep me from having to haul off his leaves, I gave an estimate of $150.  He did not want to spend that much and said that if I would do it for $110, he would let me cut his yard next summer.  The leaf job went well and I collected my money and went home.  The next day he called to say that I had not raked all the leaves and that I needed to come back by.  I explained that the leaves in his yard had fallen after I had finished and that I was not responsible for those leaves.  Not wanting to lose his business next year, I went back and did a quick touch up job which took an hour.  Still, I was satisfied as it was a big yard and I would get to do his yard all the following year.
When Spring rolled around, I took my equipment to his house and was told that someone else had already been contracted to mow the lawn for the season.  I reminded him of our agreement and he said that the other people were doing it for $5 less than my estimate.
Though it made me mad, I didn't think too much about it until the next fall when he called and said that his other lawn care company had quit and he wanted me to rake his leaves again.  My response was to remind him of our previous agreement and I told him the price for leaves alone would be $250. 
I learned a few lessons from this customer.
1)  I did not have a signed agreement - You should be very careful about taking a customer's word that they will let you do their lawn "next season" in return for a cheaper price today.  If the agreement is verbal it is very easy for a customer to back out of the agreement.
2)  Price each job as an individual effort - If a leaf job is worth $250 to you then bid it accordingly.  Do not let the potential of other work influence your price significantly downward.  That other work may never materialize.
3)  Explain to the customer that leaves on the trees are not included in the price - Leaves continue to fall through the entire season.  If you contract to do a leaf job, let the customer know that any leaf droppage that occurs after the job is done is not covered under the quoted price.
When we consult with new lawn care business owners, we often tell them that leaf pickup is very easy to under price.  A job which looks like it should take less than 1 hour can often wind up taking 4 times that long. 
This Autumn, when your phone starts ringing with new customers looking to get a great price on leaf management work, take extra caution when giving estimates.
This is just one of hundreds of tips found in the pages of the www.Summer101.com Lawn Care Business training program. 
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