What to do when you make a mistake on a lawn care customer's lawn.
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Free Tips and Fun Innovations on running your own Lawn Care / Landscaping Business.
By: http://www.Summer101.com  Visit our website for more information.

This week's tip give you some ideas on how to save a customer once you make a mistake.  

We have always prided ourselves on giving customers a perfectly cut lawn.  With professional commercial lawn mowing equipment, a good knowledge on how to use that equipment, and a sense of professionalism about our work, there is no reason why a customer's lawn should not look great every single time we cut the grass.
I remember clearly one day when we were working a customer's lawn.  This customer had been with us for 3 years.  He was a once per week customer and it was a quick cut.  The problem was that he had a propensity for being very finicky about his grass.  The lawn care company that serviced the account before us had been fired for giving an imperfect cut one time. 
As we point out in the lawn care business program, we will often put a premium on the the prices we charge and the estimates we give to customers that are going to be difficult to work with.
Well, on this one day, I was using a brand new commercial walkbehind lawn mower.  It was a floating deck system which was different than what I was used to.  The upper part of his lawn had several undulations.  For a brief moment, I took my eye off of my work and the results were bad...I scrapped his lawn.  the grass was completely gone and there was nothing but bare earth.  It was a patch about two feet wide and a foot long.  It looked bad, really bad.  As I watched the dust cloud kicked up by the lawn mower drift away with the breeze, I could almost see the payment for this yard fly away too.
Luckily, it was a fescue lawn.  I always keep a small bucket of seed in the truck and on that day I happened to have half a bale of straw on the trailer.  Without hesitation, I threw some seed down on the bare spot and covered it with straw.
He always inspected his lawn as we worked so I walked him over to the patch.  With a smile, I said: "I made a mistake on your lawn."  After apologizing, I told him what had happened and I showed him what I had done to remedy the situation with the high quality grass seed and the straw.  He was mad, it was obvious.  However, he paid in full and we did not lose the customer. 
The lesson learned here is that you will probably occasionally make mistakes in your work.  We all do that occasionally.  It is good to own up to your mistakes and take responsibility if you make a mistake on a customers yard.  If he had found the patch before I showed it to him and if I had not already reseeded it and covered it with straw, we would have lost a good paying customer.
The Lawn Care Business program show you dozens of methods of getting maximum profit from each customer.  We also give you a tremendous amount of resources for bidding and estimating Lawn Care and Landscaping jobs.
This is just one of hundreds of tips found in the
pages of the Lawn Care Business training program. 
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Email:  LawnCareBusiness@Gmail.com
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Contact us anytime.  Best luck with your Lawn Care Business
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